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    Button control

    The button control is used for creating push buttons in Kodi. You can choose the position, size, and look of the button, as well as choosing what action(s) should be performed when pushed.

    1 Example

    <control type="button" id="1">
          <description>My first button control</description>
          <texturefocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">myfocustexture.png</texturefocus>
          <texturenofocus colordiffuse="FFFFAAFF">mynormaltexture.png</texturenofocus>

    2 Available tags

    In addition to the Default Control Tags the following tags are available. Note that each tag is lower case only. This is important, as xml tags are case-sensitive.

    texturefocusSpecifies the image file which should be displayed when the button has focus. See here for additional information about textures.
    texturenofocusSpecifies the image file which should be displayed when the button does not have focus.
    labelThe label used on the button. It can be a link into strings.xml, or an actual text label.
    fontFont used for the button label. From fonts.xml.
    textcolorColor used for displaying the button label. In AARRGGBB hex format, or a name from the colour theme.
    focusedcolorColor used for the button label when the button has in focus. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
    disabledcolorColor used for the button label if the button is disabled. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
    invalidcolorColor used for the button if the user entered some invalid value. In AARRGGBB hex format or a name from the colour theme.
    shadowcolorSpecifies the color of the drop shadow on the text, in AARRGGBB format, or a name from the colour theme.
    angleThe angle the text should be rendered at, in degrees. A value of 0 is horizontal.
    alignLabel horizontal alignment on the button. Defaults to left, can also be center or right.
    alignyLabel vertical alignment on the button. Defaults to top, can also be center.
    textoffsetxAmount to offset the label from the left (or right) edge of the button when using left or right alignment.
    textoffsetyAmount to offset the label from the top edge of the button when using top alignment.
    textwidthWill truncate any text that's too long.
    onclickSpecifies the action to perform when the button is pressed. Should be a built in function. See here for more information. You may have more than one <onclick> tag, and they'll be executed in sequence.
    onfocusSpecifies the action to perform when the button is focused. Should be a built in function. The action is performed after any focus animations have completed. See here for more information.
    onunfocusSpecifies the action to perform when the button loses focus. Should be a built in function.
    wrapmultilineWill wrap the label across multiple lines if the label exceeds the control width.

    3 See also


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