새창 작성 수정 목록 링크 Edit G카랜다 HDD HDD HDD 게시물 주소 복사

skin error 작업 진행

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    2020-08-16 11:16:39.649 T:10208 WARNING: Skin has invalid include: Animation.ZoomOut
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window weathersettings
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window programssettings
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window networksettings
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Window Translator: Can't find window musiclibrary
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Unmatched [
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Error parsing boolean expression window.isvisible(musiclibrary) + ![control.isvisible(702) | control.isvisible(704) | control.isvisible(705)
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.735 T:19784  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Starting
    2020-08-16 11:16:39.775 T:17700  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Started
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.081 T:19784  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopping
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.248 T:6380  NOTICE: PVR is starting playback of channel 'KBS2_7 2TV'
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.251 T:10208  NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/모든 채널/pvr.hts_1497547718.pvr
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.251 T:8524  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.252 T:8524   ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [pvr://channels/tv/모든 채널/pvr.hts_1497547718.pvr]
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.252 T:8524  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.282 T:10208  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.282 T:10208  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.282 T:10208  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    2020-08-16 11:16:40.361 T:10592  NOTICE: EPG thread started
    2020-08-16 11:16:41.851 T:16096  NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] script version 3.2.2 started
    2020-08-16 11:16:41.852 T:16096  NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] debug logging set to False
    2020-08-16 11:16:41.854 T:16096  NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] daemonizing
    2020-08-16 11:16:42.005 T:16096  NOTICE: [Artist Slideshow] no music playing
    2020-08-16 11:16:43.900 T:16484  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Starting WebService on port 52307
    2020-08-16 11:16:43.901 T:4748  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Skin Helper Service version 1.1.32 started
    2020-08-16 11:16:48.659 T:15700  NOTICE: Skin Helper Backgrounds --> BackgroundsUpdater - started
    2020-08-16 11:16:48.724 T:4260   ERROR: EXCEPTION: Unknown addon id 'service.fanart.proxy'.
    2020-08-16 11:16:48.847 T:4260  NOTICE: Git Browser v1.2.2: Service Starting...
    2020-08-16 11:16:50.898 T:13452  NOTICE: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Started
    2020-08-16 11:16:50.898 T:13452  NOTICE: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Player monitor started
    2020-08-16 11:16:51.460 T:10536  NOTICE: Skin Helper Widgets --> Backgroundservice started
    2020-08-16 11:16:52.101 T:10208 WARNING: Repository add-on resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/ - this is insecure and will make your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!
    2020-08-16 11:16:54.213 T:3452  NOTICE: Indigo NOTICE: STARTING Indigo SERVICE
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.360 T:1668  NOTICE: [script.module.clouddrive.common][service-source-1668]: Service 'source' started in port 8585
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.559 T:17188  NOTICE: [plugin.googledrive][service-export-17188]: Service 'export' started.
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.559 T:4908  NOTICE: [plugin.googledrive][service-player-4908]: Service 'player' started.
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.577 T:5624  NOTICE: [plugin.googledrive][service-download-5624]: Service 'download' started in port 7614
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.596 T:19252  NOTICE: [plugin.googledrive][service-source-19252]: Service 'source' started in port 8587
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.754 T:6380   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/addons.xml.md5:
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.754 T:6380   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/addons.xml.md5>
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.754 T:6380   ERROR: CRepository: failed read 'http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/addons.xml.md5'
    2020-08-16 11:16:55.984 T:6380 WARNING: Repository add-on resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/ - this is insecure and will make your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!

    <!-- 20200816   
    2020-08-16 11:10:19.966 T:16556 WARNING: Label Formating: $VAR[HomeBackgroundPlaylistenFanart] is not defined
    180 line  <include name="CommonHomeBack"> insert
    <control type="image">
          <texture background="true">$VAR[HomeBackgroundPlaylistenFanart]</texture>

        <value condition="Window.IsVisible(videos) + ![Control.IsVisible(598) | Control.IsVisible(600) | Control.IsVisible(601) | Control.IsVisible(602) | Control.IsVisible(604) | Control.IsVisible(603) | Control.IsVisible(606) | Control.IsVisible(607) | Control.IsVisible(608) | Control.IsVisible(609) | Control.IsVisible(610) | Control.IsVisible(611) | Control.IsVisible(902)]">$LOCALIZE[1212]</value>
        <value condition="Window.IsVisible(musiclibrary) + ![Control.IsVisible(702) | Control.IsVisible(704) | Control.IsVisible(705)">$LOCALIZE[36914]</value>
        <!-- 20200816 
        2020-08-16 11:16:39.659 T:10208   ERROR: Error parsing boolean expression window.isvisible(musiclibrary) + ![control.isvisible(702) | control.isvisible(704) | control.isvisible(705)
         838 line  <variable name="SideBladeForViewsLabel">

    2020-08-16 11:46:32.992 T:20676  NOTICE: Skin Helper Backgrounds --> BackgroundsUpdater - started
    2020-08-16 11:46:35.113 T:21472  NOTICE: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Started
    2020-08-16 11:46:35.113 T:21472  NOTICE: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Player monitor started
    2020-08-16 11:46:35.619 T:13092  NOTICE: Skin Helper Widgets --> Backgroundservice started
    2020-08-16 11:46:36.946 T:18216 WARNING: Repository add-on resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/ - this is insecure and will make your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!
    2020-08-16 11:46:38.863 T:10472  NOTICE: Indigo NOTICE: STARTING Indigo SERVICE
    2020-08-16 11:46:39.440 T:19584   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/addons.xml.md5:
    2020-08-16 11:46:39.440 T:19584   ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/addons.xml.md5>
    2020-08-16 11:46:39.440 T:19584   ERROR: CRepository: failed read 'http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/addons.xml.md5'
    2020-08-16 11:46:40.003 T:19584 WARNING: Repository add-on resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/ - this is insecure and will make your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!
    2020-08-16 11:46:40.114 T:6560 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
    2020-08-16 11:46:40.114 T:6560  NOTICE: [script.module.clouddrive.common][service-source-6560]: Service 'source' started in port 8585
    2020-08-16 11:46:40.702 T:19968 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -89415.516910
    2020-08-16 11:46:40.702 T:19968 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -89415.515610
    2020-08-16 11:46:40.702 T:19968 WARNING: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -89416.245577
    2020-08-16 11:46:58.310 T:18216 WARNING: CGUIWindowManager - CGUIWindowManager::HandleAction - ignoring action 107, because topmost modal dialog closing animation is running
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.409 T:18216 WARNING: Previous line repeats 10 times.
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.409 T:18216  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.409 T:18216  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.417 T:13764  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.417 T:13764  NOTICE: Closing stream player 1
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.417 T:13764  NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.432 T:19892  NOTICE: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit()
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.432 T:13764  NOTICE: Closing audio device
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.448 T:13764  NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.448 T:13764  NOTICE: Closing stream player 2
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.448 T:13764  NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.497 T:14576  NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.497 T:13764  NOTICE: deleting video codec
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.497 T:13764  NOTICE: DXVA::CDecoder::Close: closing decoder.
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.497 T:13764  NOTICE: DXVA: closing decoder context.
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.497 T:18216  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.497 T:18216  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.498 T:18216  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
    2020-08-16 11:47:00.498 T:18216  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
    2020-08-16 11:47:02.356 T:19584 WARNING: Repository add-on resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path http://holybid.com/kodi/addons/ - this is insecure and will make your Kodi installation vulnerable to attacks if enabled!
    2020-08-16 11:47:03.015 T:21244   ERROR: CImageLoader::DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.moviegenreicons.transparent/액션.png
    2020-08-16 11:47:03.015 T:21020   ERROR: CImageLoader::DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.moviegenreicons.transparent/드라마.png
    2020-08-16 11:47:03.016 T:21244   ERROR: CImageLoader::DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.moviegenreicons.transparent/범죄.png
    2020-08-16 11:47:03.016 T:21020   ERROR: CImageLoader::DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.moviegenreicons.transparent/전쟁.png
    2020-08-16 11:47:03.016 T:19584   ERROR: CImageLoader::DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.moviegenreicons.transparent/코미디.png
    2020-08-16 11:47:03.016 T:21244   ERROR: CImageLoader::DoWork - Direct texture file loading failed for resource://resource.images.moviegenreicons.transparent/공포.png
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.909 T:18216  NOTICE: Stopping player
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.909 T:18216  NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.909 T:18216  NOTICE: Saving settings
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.911 T:18216  NOTICE: Saving skin settings
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.912 T:18216  NOTICE: Stopping all
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.913 T:10472  NOTICE: Indigo NOTICE: CLOSING INDIGO SERVICES
    2020-08-16 11:47:05.920 T:16404 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(12, C:\Users\shimss\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.mediathekview\service.py): the python script "C:\Users\shimss\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.mediathekview\service.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon,class XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon,class XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon,class XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director
    2020-08-16 11:47:07.558 T:21028 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(14, C:\Users\shimss\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.artwork.beef\service.py): the python script "C:\Users\shimss\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.artwork.beef\service.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::DialogProgressBG,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director
    2020-08-16 11:47:07.662 T:21472  NOTICE: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Player monitor stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:07.662 T:21472  NOTICE: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:08.153 T:1716  NOTICE: [script.module.clouddrive.common][MainThread-1716]: Service stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:08.155 T:10592  NOTICE: Skin Helper Backgrounds --> Abort requested !
    2020-08-16 11:47:08.155 T:10592  NOTICE: Skin Helper Backgrounds --> Stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:08.378 T:5212  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Shutdown requested !
    2020-08-16 11:47:08.379 T:5212  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Skin Helper Service version 1.1.32 stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:08.687 T:13092  NOTICE: Skin Helper Widgets --> Backgroundservice stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:09.092 T:18216  NOTICE: Application stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:09.309 T:18216  NOTICE: XBApplicationEx: destroying...
    2020-08-16 11:47:09.310 T:18216  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopping
    2020-08-16 11:47:10.231 T:18216  NOTICE: PVR Manager: Stopped
    2020-08-16 11:47:11.259 T:18216  NOTICE: unload skin
    2020-08-16 11:47:11.346 T:18216  NOTICE: unload sections
    2020-08-16 11:47:11.357 T:18216  NOTICE: XBApplicationEx: application stopped!

    ☞ 정보찾아 공유 드리며 출처는 링크 참조 바랍니다 ♠ . ☞ 본자료는 https://11q.kr 에 등록 된 자료 입니다♠.

    [이 게시물은 11qkr님에 의해 2021-06-16 02:38:13 12.Nas_2에서 이동 됨]
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