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CoreELEC kodi 스킨에서 Android/eMMC NAND//안드로이드TV로 재 부팅하는 명령?

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    CoreELEC  kodi 스킨에서 Android/eMMC NAND//안드로이드TV로 재 부팅하는 명령?

    적용버전 : 2021-0624-5_kodi19_20_skin.eminence.2.mod_by_11qkr.zip

    스킨 파일 다운로드





    Power 메뉴 수정

    <!-- C:\Users\shimss\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.eminence.2.mod_by_11qkr\shortcuts\mainmenu.DATA.xml -->


    아이콘및 메인메뉴에 변경 사용 소스

        <!-- C:\Users\shimss\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.eminence.2.mod_by_11qkr\shortcuts\mainmenu.DATA.xml -->
            <label2>Common Shortcut</label2>
            <!-- <action>ActivateWindow(shutdownmenu)</action> -->

    파워메뉴 변경 추가 합니다

    Power 메뉴 불러오는 소스



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <window type="dialog" id="9900">
    	<defaultcontrol always="true">9000</defaultcontrol>
    		<control type="group">
    			<!-- 새로로 보이는 메뉴 크기 -->
    			<control type="grouplist" id="9000">
    				<!-- ====================================메뉴 추가 시작========================================= -->
    				<control type="button" id="99001">.
    					<label>◀ Close_[Quit메뉴]-9900 ▶</label>
    				<!-- ====================================메뉴 추가 시작========================================= -->
    				<control type="button" id="99002">
    					<label>▶ KODI Quit()</label>
    					<label2>▶ 종료</label2>
    				<control type="button" id="99003">
    					<label>▶ ReloadSkin() ▶▶▶▶</label>
    					<label2>▶ All 메뉴닫기</label2>
    				<control type="radiobutton" id="99004">
    					<label2>▶ Off</label2>
    				<control type="button" id="99005">
    					<label>▶ Home_Menu Setting</label>
    					<label2>▶ 메뉴초기화/사용자메뉴 조정</label2>
    				<!-- =======================  -->
    				<control type="button" id="99006">
    					<label>♡ libraryautoupdate</label>
    					<label2>▶ 애드온설정하세요</label2>
    					<!-- <onclick>Addon.OpenSettings($INFO[Container.PluginName])</onclick> -->
    					<!-- <onclick>Addon.Open(service.libraryautoupdate)</onclick> -->
    					<visible>System.HasAddon(service.libraryautoupdate) | !Skin.HasSetting(kodi_has_addons)</visible>
    				<control type="button" id="99007">
    					<label>♡ thumbcache.cleanerm</label>
    					<label2>▶ 애드온설정하세요</label2>
    					<visible>System.HasAddon(script.thumbcache.cleanerm) | !Skin.HasSetting(kodi_has_addons)</visible>
    				<!-- ================================== -->
    				<!-- Debug Info -->
    				<control type="radiobutton" id="99008">
    					<label>◎ ToggleDebug</label>
    					<label2>▶ On/Off</label2>
    				<control type="radiobutton" id="99009">
    					<label>◎ Skin.ToggleDebug()</label>
    					<label2>▶ On/Off</label2>
    				<!-- Debug Grid -->
    				<control type="radiobutton" id="9910">
    					<label>◎ DebugGrid</label>
    					<label2>▶ On/Off</label2>
    				<control type="button" id="9911">
    					<label>▶ CoreELEC SD_card setting/Booting</label>
    					<label2>▶ libreelect 앱 설치조건</label2>
    				<!-- ============================= -->
    				<!-- CoreELEC  kodi 스킨에서 Android/eMMC NAND로 재부팅하는 명령? -->
    				<!-- C:UsersshimssAppDataRoamingKodiaddonsskin.eminence.2.mod_by_11qkr16x9Custom_Dialog_quit_9900.xml -->
    				<!-- power menu call 9900  -->
    				<control type="button" id="9912">
    					<label>▶ Reboot from eMMC/NAND[ to Android booting]</label>
    					<label2>▶ 안드로이드TV</label2>
    				<control type="button" id="9913">
    					<label>▶ Restart Kodi</label>
    					<label2>▶ 종료/시작</label2>
    				<control type="button" id="9914">
    					<label>▶ Reset()[ System_booting ]</label>
    					<label2>▶ 재부팅 </label2>
    				 coreelec 에서 android booting
    					<label2>Power Menu Shortcut</label2>
    					<label>*Reboot SD to eMMC/NAND at coreelec</label>
    				<F6>Skin.ToggleSetting(touchscreen)</F6> -->
    				<!-- ====================================메뉴로이동========================================= -->
    				<control type="button" id="99999">
    					<label>◀ Close_[Quit메뉴]-9900 ▶</label>
    				<!-- ====================================메뉴 추가 마지막========================================= -->
    				<!-- ====================================메뉴 추가 마지막========================================= -->

    [ 추가 정보 ... 더보기) ]
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    새창 작성 수정 목록 링크 Edit G카랜다 HDD HDD HDD 게시물 주소 복사

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    ▶ 2024-09-28 00:44:32

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