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kodi 의 디랙토리 경로 Special protocol special://home 파일관리자로 소스추가 자막 폰트 추가

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    kodi 의 디랙토리 경로 Special protocol special://home 파일관리자로 소스추가 자막 폰트 추가 하기

    참조 드립니다

    파일관리자로 소스추가하여 

    - 자막폰트 변경

    - 로그파일보기

    - 기본/설치 디랙토리 진입

    - userdata 백업 파일로 만들기  활용하세요



    영화 자막 폰트 경로 입니다 

    (fonts 디랙토리 만들어 폰트 복사)


    special://xbmcKodi's installation root directory. This path is read-only contains the Kodi binary, support libraries and default configuration files, skins, scripts and plugins. Users should not modify files or install addons in this directory.
    Note: The special://xbmc/ path is still valid for newer versions that have been renamed to Kodi.

    special://kodi/ does not exist yet.
    special://homeKodi's user specific (OS user) configuration directory. This path contains a writable version of the special://xbmc directories. Any addons should be installed here.
    special://tempKodi's temporary directory. This path is used to cache various data during normal usage. Unless you need the log, nothing in this directory is detrimental to Kodi's operation. Normally special://home/temp
    special://masterprofileKodi's main configuration directory. Normally located at special://home/userdata, this directory contains global settings and sources, as well as any Kodi profile directories. Normally special://home/userdata
    special://profileKodi's currently active profile directory. This directory points at special://masterprofile/profile_name (or special://masterprofile if no profile is in use) and contains per profile overrides for settings and sources.
    special://subtitlesUser defined custom subtitle path. Set it in Video Settings.
    special://userdataAlias from special://masterprofile.
    special://databaseThis path contains the database files Kodi uses to store library info. Normally special://masterprofile/Database.
    special://thumbnailsThis path contains cached thumbnails. Normally special://masterprofile/Thumbnails
    special://recordingsThis path contains saved PVR recordings.
    special://screenshotsThis path contains Kodi screen shots. You will be asked to specify this directory the first time you take a screen shot.
    special://musicplaylistsThis path contains saved music playlists. Normally special://profile/playlists/music.
    special://videoplaylistsThis path contains saved video playlists. Normally special://profile/playlists/video.
    special://cdripsThis path contains the tracks from CDs you rip with Kodi. You will be asked to specify this directory the first time you rip a CD.
    special://skinThis path points to the currently active skin's root directory.
    special://logpathThis path points to the path where the log file is saved.
    library://video/This path points to the Video Library folders and to the file Sources
    library://music/This path points to the Music Library folders and to the file Sources

    2 Default OS mappings

    • Bulleted list item

    2.1 Android

    • special://xbmc - /data/data/org.xbmc.kodi/cache/apk/assets/
    • special://home - /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/
    • special://temp - /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/temp/

    2.2 iOS

    Apple TV 2 (black)
    • special://xbmc - /private/var/stash/Applications/Kodi.frappliance/KodiData/KodiHome
    • special://home - /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi
    • special://temp - /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/temp
    • special://xbmc - /Applications/Kodi.app/KodiData/KodiHome <- Symbolic link, but the real path has some random characters in it.
    • special://home - /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi
    • special://temp - private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/temp

    2.3 Linux

    • special://xbmc - /usr/share/kodi when installed from a binary package (ie PPA, rpm, deb, etc). /usr/local/share/kodi when compiled (unless you specify an alternate prefix)
    • special://home - /home/[username]/.kodi
    Note: The '.', this directory is hidden so you may need to enable hidden files in your file manager to see it.

    2.4 Mac OS X

    • special://xbmc - /Applications/Kodi.app/Contents/Resources/Kodi
    • special://home - /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Kodi
    • special://temp - /Users/[username]/.kodi/temp
    {{Note|The '.', this directory is hidden so you need to enable hidden files to see it.

    2.5 Windows

    This assumes your Windows install drive is C:. Replace as necessary.

    • special://xbmc - C:\Program Files\Kodi
    • special://xbmc - C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi (Windows 64 bit)
    • special://home - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Kodi
    Portable Mode

    In portable mode, Kodi is entirely self contained, so its install directory must be writable.

    • special://xbmc - Where ever you installed Kodi (MUST be writable).
    • special://home - special://xbmc

    3 See also

    ■ ▶ ☞ 정보찾아 공유 드리며 출처는 링크 참조 바랍니다 ♠ . ☞ 본자료는 https://11q.kr 에 등록 된 자료 입니다♠.

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