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    blogpostsRun cron in tinycore

    To activate cron in TinyCore use following steps to set it up:

    Add following entry to /opt/bootlocal.sh to startup cron automatically after each boot

    crond -L /dev/null 2>&1

    Using crontab -e as tc user add following crontab entry:

    # run a script each minute
    # use absolute paths to point to scripts
    * * * * * sh /home/tc/bin

    Add the crontabs to .filetool.sh file to be able to backup crontabs:

    echo var/spool/cron >> /opt/.filetool.lst

    Run the backup script to backup manually (it is better to be safe then sorry):

    filetool.sh -d
    filetool.sh -b

    Reboot the TinyCore guest

    After the reboot verify the crontabs have been restored from backup running:

    crontab -l

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