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AutoWidget Introduction 사용방법및 설치 파일

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    A first look at the newly released AutoWidget add-on! More information at github.com




    AutoWidget is a program add-on for Kodi, designed to give a more dynamic and interesting experience to using skin widgets.

    Steps to Install

    1. Go to the Kodi file manager.
    2. Click on "Add source".
    3. The path for the source is https://drinfernoo.github.io/ (Give it the name "drinfernoo").
    4. Go to "Add-ons", and choose "Install from zip".
    5. a. For AutoWidget's Stable repo, install repository.autowidget-1.0.zip. b. For AutoWidget's Dev repo (for testing purposes only), install repository.autowidget.dev-1.0.zip.
    6. Return to "Add-ons", and choose "Install from repository".
    7. Choose the repository you installed (stable or dev), and install AutoWidget from Program Add-ons.



    drinfernoo’s Add-ons

    Current Version: 1.1

    Repository addon

    Instructions for adding repos from this source:

    • Go to the Kodi file manager
    • Click on "Add source"
    • The path for the source is https://drinfernoo.github.io/ (Give it the name "drinfernoo")
    • Go to "Addons"
    • In Addons, install an addon from zip. When it asks for the location, select "drinfernoo".
    • For AutoWidget's Stable repo, install repository.autowidget-1.0.zip
    • For AutoWidget's Dev repo, install repository.autowidget.dev-1.0.zip
    • Go back to Addons install, but this time, select "Install from repository"
    • Select the repo and add-on you want to install
    </ul> </p> ## Enjoy!

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    새창 작성 수정 목록 링크 Edit G카랜다 HDD HDD HDD 게시물 주소 복사

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