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●트랜스코딩 패치작업) xpenology redpill tiny core boot loader 사용시 Patch for DSM Version (7.1 42661-3) not found. 해놀로지트랜스 코딩 동작 확인및 Transcoding check update

♨ 카랜더 일정 : 2022년07월18일
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    ● xpenology redpill tiny core boot loader  사용시 Patch for DSM Version (7.1 42661-3) not found. 해놀로지트랜스 코딩 동작 확인및  Transcoding check update 

    업데이트 작업 합니다

    관리자 권한으로 변경

    sudo -i

    트랜스코딩 확인 방법

     more /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmc31a42/synocodectool-patch/master/patch.sh

    chmod a+x patch.sh


     ./patch.sh -p

    버전문제로 불가능 하면

    vi patch.sh
    i 입력  아래버전을 추가 합니다

        "7.1 42661-1"
        "7.1 42661-2"
        "7.1 42661-3"


    저장은 esc : wq 엔터


    ./patch.sh -p

    업데이트후 트랜스코딩 설정  확인
     more /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf

    입력 다음과 같이 나오면 트랜스코딩 가능 확인 합니다


    트랜스 코딩  설정 작업 진행 순서 입니다

    1) ssh 서비스 활성화


    2) pc에서 ssh 터미널 진입

    shimss@test1_ip9:~$ sudo -i

    root@test1_ip9:~# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmc31a42/synocodectool-patch/master/patch.sh

    --2022-07-18 21:25:45--  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmc31a42/synocodectool-patch/master/patch.sh

    Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com...,,, ...

    Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com||:443... connected.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

    Length: 14348 (14K) [text/plain]

    Saving to: 'patch.sh'

    patch.sh                   100%[=====================================>]  14.01K  --.-KB/s    in 0.002s

    2022-07-18 21:25:45 (6.99 MB/s) - 'patch.sh' saved [14348/14348]

    root@test1_ip9:~# ls


    root@test1_ip9:~# chmod a+x patch.sh

    root@test1_ip9:~# ./patch.sh


        patch.sh [-h] [-p|-r|-l]


        Patch to enable transcoding without a valid serial in DSM 6+

            -h      Print this help message

            -p      Patch synocodectool

            -r      Restore from original from backup

            -l      List supported DSM versions

    root@test1_ip9:~# ./patch.sh -p

    Detected DSM version: 7.1 42661-3

    Patch for DSM Version (7.1 42661-3) not found.

    Patch is available for versions:

    6.0 7321-0

    6.0 7321-1

    6.0 7321-2

    6.0 7321-3

    6.0 7321-4

    6.0 7321-5

    6.0 7321-6

    6.0 7321-7

    6.0.1 7393-0

    6.0.1 7393-1

    6.0.1 7393-2

    6.0.2 8451-0

    6.0.2 8451-1

    6.0.2 8451-2

    6.0.2 8451-3

    6.0.2 8451-4

    6.0.2 8451-5

    6.0.2 8451-6

    6.0.2 8451-7

    6.0.2 8451-8

    6.0.2 8451-9

    6.0.2 8451-10

    6.0.2 8451-11

    6.0.3 8754-0

    6.0.3 8754-1

    6.0.3 8754-2

    6.0.3 8754-3

    6.0.3 8754-4

    6.0.3 8754-5

    6.0.3 8754-6

    6.0.3 8754-7

    6.0.3 8754-8

    6.1 15047-0

    6.1 15047-1

    6.1 15047-2

    6.1.1 15101-0

    6.1.1 15101-1

    6.1.1 15101-2

    6.1.1 15101-3

    6.1.1 15101-4

    6.1.2 15132-0

    6.1.2 15132-1

    6.1.3 15152-0

    6.1.3 15152-1

    6.1.3 15152-2

    6.1.3 15152-3

    6.1.3 15152-4

    6.1.3 15152-5

    6.1.3 15152-6

    6.1.3 15152-7

    6.1.3 15152-8

    6.1.4 15217-0

    6.1.4 15217-1

    6.1.4 15217-2

    6.1.4 15217-3

    6.1.4 15217-4

    6.1.4 15217-5

    6.1.4 15217-0

    6.1.5 15254-0

    6.1.5 15254-1

    6.1.6 15266-0

    6.1.6 15266-1

    6.1.7 15284-0

    6.1.7 15284-1

    6.1.7 15284-2

    6.1.7 15284-3

    6.2 23739-0

    6.2 23739-1

    6.2 23739-2

    6.2.1 23824-0

    6.2.1 23824-1

    6.2.1 23824-2

    6.2.1 23824-3

    6.2.1 23824-4

    6.2.1 23824-5

    6.2.1 23824-6

    6.2.2 24922-0

    6.2.2 24922-1

    6.2.2 24922-2

    6.2.2 24922-3

    6.2.2 24922-4

    6.2.2 24922-5

    6.2.2 24922-6

    6.2.3 25423-0

    6.2.3 25426-0

    6.2.3 25426-2

    6.2.3 25426-3

    7.0.1 42218-0

    7.0.1 42218-1

    7.0.1 42218-2

    7.0.1 42218-3

    7.1 42661-0


    root@test1_ip9:~# more /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf

    more: stat of /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf failed: No such file or directory

    root@test1_ip9:~# vi patch.sh

    i 입력

        "7.0.1 42218-0"

        "7.0.1 42218-1"

        "7.0.1 42218-2"

        "7.0.1 42218-3"

        "7.1 42661-0"

        "7.1 42661-1"

        "7.1 42661-2"

        "7.1 42661-3"

    esc : wq 엔터

    root@test1_ip9:~# ./patch.sh -p

    Detected DSM version: 7.1 42661-3

    Patch for DSM Version (7.1 42661-3) AVAILABLE!

    Available binaries to patch/restore:

    1) /usr/syno/bin/synocodectool

    2) /volume1/@appstore/VideoStation/bin/synocodectool

    3) /volume1/@appstore/CodecPack/bin/synocodectool

    4) Quit

    Please choose which binary you want to patch/restore:1

    Detected valid synocodectool. Creating backup..



    Creating spoofed activation.conf..

    Spoofed activation.conf created successfully

    root@test1_ip9:~# more /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf





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