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[시놀리지] 부팅시 자동 실행 스크립트 경로(자료 펌)

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    리눅스에서 흔히들 /etc/rc.local 을 만들어서 사용하시죠?

    시놀리지에서 위의 경로로 사용해 보니 동작하지 않아서 검색해 보았더니

    /usr/syno/etc/rc.d 에 원하는 스크립트를 S99파일.sh 를 넣고
    chmod 700 S99파일명.sh 을 해주면 리부팅시마다 처리된다고 합니다.

    이거 설정을 몇달째 안해놔서 가끔 부팅할때마다 /root 에 넣어둔 스크립트를 실행하고 있었네요

    아래 출처의 내용도 옮겨두었는데 저 같은 경우는 다른 폴더는 안되고 /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99파일명.sh 이것만 되더라구요


    On startup post-edit, scripts run in this order:
    1. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/S[00->99]scriptname.sh start
    These are all of the Synology Scripts.

    2. /etc/rc.optware start (executed by rc.local)
    This script mounts your /opt with your /volume1/@optware

    3. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/optware.sh start (executed by unknown syno script)
    This now rechecks your mounts on startup, and executes /opt/etc/rc.optware start.

    4. /opt/etc/rc.optware start (executed by /usr/local/etc/rc.d/optware.sh)
    This executes a /opt/etc/init.d/S[00->99]scriptname.sh start

    5. /opt/etc/init.d/S[00->99]scriptname.sh start (executed by /opt/etc/rc.optware)
    This is where optware packages will install their startup scripts. This is the correct place.

    On shutdown, scripts run in this order:
    1. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/optware.sh stop (executed by unknown syno script)
    This script does some logging on umount, then executes /opt/etc/rc.optware stop.

    2. /opt/etc/rc.optware stop (executed by /usr/local/etc/rc.d/optware.sh)
    This executes a /opt/etc/init.d/K[00->99]scriptname.sh stop

    3. /opt/etc/init.d/K[00->99]scriptname.sh stop (executed by /opt/etc/rc.optware)
    This is where optware packages will install their shutdown scripts.

    4. /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S[00->99]scriptname.sh stop 
    These are all of the Synology Scripts. 



    ♠ shimss home 는 컴퓨터자료 windows10, server 2012 2016 r2 xpenology WinPE 헤/시놀로지 NAS 그누보드 아미나,APMS 모바일 pc 홈페이지 일상생활 을 위하여 정보를 찾아 공유 합니다.♠ 출처는 링크 참조 바랍니다.♠ https://11q.kr.com https://11q.kr https://11q.kr http://33.iptime.org
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