
XiiaLive Lite - Online Radio 안드로이드 라디오 어플 추천 음색 좋아요

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    XiiaLive Lite - Online Radio 안드로이드 라디오 어플 추천 음색 좋아요
    ◎ 네이버에서 [https://11q.kr 홈피] 검색 찾아오세요 ◎

    “Use XiiaLive to stream music and internet radio from all over the world!”Download XiiaLive Lite - Online Radio 다운로드

    Use XiiaLive™ to stream music and internet radio. Explore more than 40,000 radio stations from all over the world!

    Search, organize, tag, and save your favorite stream for easy access any time you want to rock out!

    Supported formats; aac, aac+, m3u, pls, mp3, mp4, m4a and mpeg. Ogg, asx and wma streaming comming soon!

    *Don't like ads? Get the paid version and help support us!

    • Surf easily more than 40,000 radio stations "powered by SHOUTcast"
    • Compelling graphical design
    • Notification sounds, something no other online radio streaming app has!
    • Control your favorites easily; rename, remove, edit and categorize them to easily find them
    • Like a song? Use the TagMe option to remember the track name
    • Access your last played history
    • *Buffering controls
    • Sleep Timer with fading!
    • User experience features controls; *animations, vibrate response, notification sounds, headset stop, *full screen and screen timeout
    • Filter your searches by audio format or bitrate
    • Backup and *restore your favorites, history and tags

    *Paid version only

    Current issues:
    *HTC EVO 4G with latest update 3.70.651.1 is breaking MPEG streaming. It will only work under WiFi. AAC streaming not affected by this update. We are investigating. Temp fix at our forum xiialive.userecho.com

    *Nexus S: reports that it can't stream AAC content. We are investigating.

    Official Partner of SHOUTcast
    **Previously DroidLive

    패키지: com.android.DroidLiveLite

    Some other pages about this app



    이 어플을 등록한 리스트들: mine, Jose's Apps List 그리고 fdghh.


    스크린샷 XiiaLive Lite - Online Radio개

    XiiaLive Lite - Online Radio for Android screenshot XiiaLive Lite - Online Radio for Android screenshot

    [이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2013-11-18 21:24:23 21.PC_BBS에서 이동 됨]
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