Bl301 injection, problems, help,

I think you forgot to execute command mount -o remount,rw /flash before changes in config.ini :wink:
or just forgot to remove #
And lines that doesn’t contain values should be commented (1st line in your file above)

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first line doesnt appear as commented for a copy/paste error, I think magicsee N5 dont catch this, if someboby achieve it, please, comment it, thank you

Use this guide for the IR wake up:

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yes it has been done this way, I will repeat, and I can put here the screens step by step but I think it is rightly done… So if somebody has achieved it on a magicsee N5 Max, please, comment it, beacause I dont know if I am doing something wrong… thank you

Show us how you run a ir-keytable -u and then the new config.ini. Otherwise we can’t tell you what’s wrong.

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ok thanks @Portisch
this is what I do to get the key code, same power off button:

root@’s password:



CoreELEC (official): nightly_20190814 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC:~ # ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to irmp
Waiting for IRMP decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup=‘0xbf40fe01’, decode_type=‘0x0’, remotewakeupmask=‘0xffffffff’
CoreELEC:~ # mount -o rw,remount /flash
CoreELEC:~ # nano /flash/config.ini

here the full config.ini

thanks a lot for your efforts and to be patient,

Looks ok, please run this command in a SSH connection and post the output:
fw_printenv bootfromsd

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hi @Portisch !

here the info:

CoreELEC (official): nightly_20190814 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # fw_printenv bootfromsd
bootfromsd=mmcinfo; if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} kernel.img; then run sddtb; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} bootfromsd; bootm; fi


Thanks, now I see the problem! The autoscript is not getting updated. I know this issue already but there is no fix yet. Please try this:
fw_setenv upgrade_step 3
And then reboot.
After reboot you can try the IR wake up again!
Also please post again after reboot the result of:
fw_printenv bootfromsd

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hi ! good morning! You mean with ‘try the IR wake up again’ to repeat with this?

systemctl stop kodi

systemctl stop eventlircd

ir-keytable -u

mount -o rw,remount /flash

nano /flash/config.ini

Or you mean to push the wake up button on de IR??

I have done the first, the process to map the wake up button to the IR, and the result after reboot → fw_printenv bootfromsd is:

CoreELEC (official): nightly_20190815 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # fw_printenv bootfromsd
bootfromsd=mmcinfo; run cfgloadmmc; if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} kernel.img; then run sddtb; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} bootfromsd; bootm; fi

Thanks a lot, I hope we will be near to get success


PD: Yeeeeeeessss!!! We have achieved it!!! well, you guide me on the success way, Thank you very much @Portisch !!! Hope This trial have been good for all to get working right more tvbox!!

It should work already :wink:
By the command fw_setenv upgrade_step 3 the bootloader got forced to reload the aml_autoscript.
And the ouput of fw_printenv bootfromsd shows the update: ...cfgloadmmc...
So since now you config.ini get loaded and IR wakeup should work now…

The forced update of the aml_autoscript will be tomorrow in the next nightly, thank you for testing it!

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Yes I tried it and it works ok, thanks a lot!!! I had PD my previous message… jeje… really fun this challenge… thanks again

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Hello, I injected the script and configured the config.ini but I can’t wake up my X96 MAX with IR, any other ideas of what can I be missing? Thanks.

Run ce-debug in SSH connection and post the resulting http link.

I have a problem with BL301 injection tool:

CoreELEC (official): nightly_20190815 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # inject_bl301
Starting bootloader blob BL301 injection tool v0.1…

Device serial number: 290a400001201200000c303254524d50
Using CPU type G12B (29): S922X, A311D
System is not supported by BL301.bin injection: g12b_s922x_odroid_n2
CoreELEC:~ #

What am I doing wrong? Thank you

Do you have a N2? The injection is not for those devices as the features added already work on those SBC.

@Portisch Here is my http link:
Thanks a lot!

And what is the issue? You are using GT King as I see on the IR wake up code.
If you have issues please post tomorrow again a debug link and describe your problem.

There where some changes today for the ce-debug script.
The link of the debug information will be show then in CoreELEC settings in “Kodi”. So you don’t have to run it manually on a SSH connection.

@Portisch, the problem is that I have X96 Max 4/64 with the codes I sent and I can’t turn it on with the IR remote. Everything else is working fine now.

Please make a new log tomorrow as it will include some more information, thx!