SubTrans - General Subtitle Translator Suite
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SubTrans - General Subtitle Translator Suite

76 ocen

RozszerzeniePrzepływ pracy i plany20 000 użytkownicy
Zrzut ekranu 3 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Zrzut ekranu 4 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Miniatura filmu dotyczącego produktu
Zrzut ekranu 2 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Zrzut ekranu 3 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Zrzut ekranu 4 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Miniatura filmu dotyczącego produktu
Zrzut ekranu 2 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Miniatura filmu dotyczącego produktu
Zrzut ekranu 2 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Zrzut ekranu 3 multimediów dotyczących produktu
Zrzut ekranu 4 multimediów dotyczących produktu


General Subtitle Translator for Multiple Sites. Displays bilingual subtitles. Supported sites are actively increasing.

🎯 SubTrans is a general subtitle translator Suite. It extends the original Subtitle into bilingual subtitles. The goal of SubTrans is to support as many widely used video sites as possible. 🌍 SubTrans can translate video's official subtitles / captions into almost all widely used languages. To make it work, the video should have AT LEAST one official subtitle / caption. 🛠 Subtitle styles are settable. You can set styles for bilingual subtitles separately, including font size, font color, font weight, opacity, background color, etc. 📂 External subtitles are supported. You can use local disc subtitle file or input subtitle raw content manually, then choose to display it directly or use it as a translation source. ⏰ In case subtitles' timestamps don't fit well with the video, you can choose to advance or delay the timestamps of each subtitle separately. 🚠 The subtitles are filled in a draggable box. Hence you can adjust the subtitles' position as you wish. 🗄 SubTrans remembers your settings locally. So the bilingual subtitles show up every time when you open a new video of a supported site, needless to set up repeatedly. 👉👉 Features: 👈👈 ✅ Display bilingual subtitles ✅ Support most languages ✅ Support many sites ✅ Support subtitle styles settings ✅ Support External Subtitles ✅ Adjustable Subtitle Timestamp ✅ Subtitle position is draggable ✅ Support full screen ✅ No need to set up every time 👉👉 Steps: 👈👈 1. After installation, you need to left-click the extension to set up. 2. Specify the "Translation Source". Note that it is loaded from the site you visit and literally it's the translation source of the first and second subtitles. 3. Also choose the language of "First Subtitle" and "Second Subtitle". 4. After a short process period, the bilingual subtitles should be shown up. Congratulations! 👉👉 Supported Sites: 👈👈 (you can email me of your request) (List all supported sites here is forbidden by Chrome Web Store to avoid keyword abuse) (You can find more info here: 🌍 YouTube (including embedded youtube videos on any site) 🌍 Udemy 🌍 Coursera 🌍 ... 🌍 ... 🌍 ... 🌍 ... 🌍 ... ... (this list is actively increasing) 👉👉 Supported languages include: 👈👈 Almost all widely used languages are supported. (List languages here are forbidden by Chrome Web Store to avoid keyword abuse.) 👉👉 Attention: 👈👈 🔹 In order to translate, you need to choose "Translation Source". 🔹 If no official subtitle / caption exists on your visiting site, "Translation Source" will be none. 😜 Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiries or feature requests. 📧 Email:

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    6 maja 2024
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    Języki: 10
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