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synology shutdown --help

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    Using username "shimss".

    shimss@'s password:

    shimss@ds918_11qkr:~$ sudo -i


    root@ds918_11qkr:~# shutdown --help

    Usage: shutdown [OPTION]... TIME [MESSAGE]

    Bring the system down.


      -r                          reboot after shutdown

      -h                          halt or power off after shutdown

      -H                          halt after shutdown (implies -h)

      -P                          power off after shutdown (implies -h)

      -c                          cancel a running shutdown

      -k                          only send warnings, don't shutdown

      -q, --quiet                 reduce output to errors only

      -v, --verbose               increase output to include informational messages

          --help                  display this help and exit

          --version               output version information and exit

    TIME may have different formats, the most common is simply the word 'now' which

    will bring the system down immediately.  Other valid formats are +m, where m is

    the number of minutes to wait until shutting down and hh:mm which specifies the

    time on the 24hr clock.

    Logged in users are warned by a message sent to their terminal, you may include

    an optional MESSAGE included with this.  Messages can be sent without actually

    bringing the system down by using the -k option.

    If TIME is given, the command will remain in the foreground until the shutdown

    occurs.  It can be cancelled by Control-C, or by another user using the -c


    The system is brought down into maintenance (single-user) mode by default, you

    can change this with either the -r or -h option which specify a reboot or

    system halt respectively.  The -h option can be further modified with -H or -P

    to specify whether to halt the system, or to power it off afterwards.  The

    default is left up to the shutdown scripts.

    Report bugs to <upstart-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>


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