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FileRun Install Guide

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    Web-Based File Sharing
    Enterprise File Management
    Fact Sheet
    FileRun is a web-based enterprise file management system.
    It enables organizations of any size to give secure online access to documents. With FileRun,
    users can log in to a private or shared space on your web site, where they can view, upload and
    organize documents in their web browser.
    FileRun is a robust application that is easy to install, manage and support. It is also highly
    configurable. It offers most of the functionality that can be found in high-end document
    management systems, at only a fraction of the cost.
    Personal home folders: Assign home folders to your users. They can either see only the
    contents of their own personal folder - or they can share the home folder with other users.
    Web based login: Your users login online to access and manage their files. FileRun supports
    HTTPS, for increased security, and works with HTTP and NTLM proxies.
    Interface accessibility: FileRun’s web-based interface looks and works the same in any web
    browser your users might have: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Opera.
    User registration system: Users can sign up to request accounts. These can be approved,
    restricted or disabled by the administrators.
    Authentication integration: FileRun can connect to your existing users database, being it a
    web-based CMS (Content Management System) or a Microsoft ActiveDirectory server, to
    provide your users access to their files, without having to login twice.
    Integration with your web site: The interface is based on templates and can be fully
    customizable. You can edit the HTML, JavaScript and CSS code to add your own colors and
    make it seem an integral part of your web site.
    User groups. Organize users in groups to easily manage users and file sharing. The users can
    be assigned roles that contain sets of permissions. For example, a role can be denied access to
    uploads, or can only download files, with no rights to delete them. Likewise, each individual
    account can have quotas for disk storage and monthly traffic. You can also determine what
    other users is an account allowed to see in the system.
    Define multiple administrators. You can flexibly limit their administrative permissions.
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    Activity Logs. Keep a record of who did what, and when. Every file- and login-related action is
    logged and the logs can be viewed in the administrator’s control panel. The logs also register
    failed operations to help troubleshoot problems. Advanced log search feature lets you search
    for a particular action, date, or user - or any combination thereof.
    Upload large files. Upload files of unlimited size, even beyond the server's configured limits.
    FileRun features a special upload technology that splits larger files in small chunks of data,
    which are glued back into one piece on the server, after they are individually transferred - with
    no risk of data loss.
    Drag & drop easy uploading. There is a progress bar to monitor the status of an upload. If an
    upload is interrupted, it will be resumed from where it was stopped.
    Upload entire folders. The drag & drop upload of FileRun preserves the entire tree structure of
    a folder.
    Import email attachments. FileRun can retrieve e-mail attachments directly from POP3 mail
    accounts, without using any email program.
    Easy to use, clear interface. List view or thumbnail view. Sort folders and files by Name,
    Size, Type and Date. Select multiple objects by holding down “Ctrl” on the keyboard, then freely
    move them to folders by using drag and drop.
    Multilanguage interface. The program can be accessed in Dutch, English, French, German,
    Italian, Swedish, Spanish, Romanian, Russian and Turkish. More languages can be easily
    Complete file and folder control. Users can create folders, rename objects and delete them.
    ZIP acrhives can be extracted with a click. Individual files can be downloaded. Multiple files, and
    contents of an entire folder, can be downloaded as a ZIP archive.
    Recycle Bin. The web-based Recycle Bin restores deleted files and folders to the exact place
    from which they were removed, allowing users to change their mind or rescue their work in case
    of emergency.
    File Preview. FileRun can display thumbnails and generate previews for many image file types
    (such as JPG, GIF, PNG). It also allows direct visualization of movie files (FLA, SWF, MOV) and
    audio files (MP3).
    Document viewing and editing. Many document types (such as PDS, DOC and DOCX) can
    be viewed and edited online, without the need to download and re-upload them.
    File Versioning. FileRun features a file locking mechanism that keeps other users from making
    changes to a file. It offers the possibility to download, restore or delete previous versions of the
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    File Searching. In addition to allowing searches by filename, FileRun can index and search the
    contents of approximately 30 recognized text file formats (plain text files like TXT, CSV, etc. but
    also rich text formats such as PDF, DOC, RTF, XLS).
    Share files. Share the contents of a folder with one user or with an entire group of users at
    WebLinks. This allows you to publish files to the web, and then give other people a direct link
    that will download the file. The users are in control: they can set passwords, limit the number of
    downloads, and set the link to expire after a certain time.
    E-mail Files. Send files as e-mail attachments straight from FileRun, without needing to open
    your email client.
    Add comments and descriptions. Attach meta information to files (notes, comments,
    numbers, dates, task, etc.). Customize the file grid to display meta information. Search files by
    meta data fields contents. Built-in discussion forums allow discuss documents with colleagues.
    E-mail Notifications. Users can automatically notify others on email about their actions. You
    can also choose what actions you want to monitor and notify the users about. For example,
    users can receive notifications when someone copies or moves a file somewhere inside your
    personal folder. The email notification templates can be customized (message body, subject
    and sender).
    FileRun is complemented by a couple of desktop tools that allow users to quickly upload files to
    their account without even opening their web browser.
    The FileRun HotFolders application creates a folder on your user’s computer where any file
    that is put there will automatically be transferred to their respective online home folder. It
    simplifies the work of uploading scanned documents to the online repository.
    The FileRun DropBox application provides an area that automatically uploads (and resumes)
    any large file that is dropped onto it. It is useful for people who would like to monitor the status
    of the large files that they upload.
    Automatic software update system. FileRun regularly provides updates and improvements,
    which are installed automatically, so the administrators can always be certain that they are
    running the latest version available.
    We encourage you to visit the online demo that is available on our web site.
    Should you have any questions, you are free to contact us from our web site, at
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    ◎ 네이버에서 [https://11q.kr 홈피] 검색 찾아오세요 ◎
    \n[이 게시물은 홈피관리자님에 의해 2011-11-13 21:18:16 Home-PDS에서 이동 됨]\n
    [이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2013-11-18 21:29:50 11.H_BBS에서 이동 됨]
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