
새창 작성 수정 목록 링크 Edit G카랜다 HDD HDD HDD 게시물 주소 복사

실패)U5PVR ATV7 용 루팅하기 (feat. 리눅스 펌웨어)

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    참조 사이트


    wget http://u5pvr.djjproject.com/u5pvr-root-android7.deb

    dpkg -i u5pvr-root-android7.deb

    DATE    : Fri Jun  1 17:49:03 KST 2018

    UPTIME  : 17:49:03

    VERSION : 20180204

    <CPU INFO>

    CLOCK   : 1600MHz               GOV     : interactive


    MEM     : 842MB / 1893MB        SWAP    : 466MB / 799MB

    root@AOL-Debian:~# wget http://u5pvr.djjproject.com/u5pvr-root-android7.deb

    --2018-06-01 17:49:31--  http://u5pvr.djjproject.com/u5pvr-root-android7.deb

    Resolving u5pvr.djjproject.com (u5pvr.djjproject.com)...

    Connecting to u5pvr.djjproject.com (u5pvr.djjproject.com)||:80... connected.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

    Length: 2451088 (2.3M) [application/x-debian-package]

    Saving to: ‘u5pvr-root-android7.deb’

    u5pvr-root-android7.deb  100%[====================================>]   2.34M  5.63MB/s   in 0.4s

    2018-06-01 17:49:32 (5.63 MB/s) - ‘u5pvr-root-android7.deb’ saved [2451088/2451088]

    root@AOL-Debian:~# dpkg -i u5pvr-root-android7.deb

    (Reading database ... 48097 files and directories currently installed.)

    Preparing to unpack u5pvr-root-android7.deb ...

    * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *

    * daemon started successfully *

    unable to connect to localhost:5555

    error: device not found

    mount: cannot remount rw read-write, is write-protected

    dpkg: error processing archive u5pvr-root-android7.deb (--install):

     subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 32

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/bin/.ext/.su’: No such file or directory

    chmod: changing permissions of ‘/system/xbin/su’: Read-only file system

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/xbin/daemonsu’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/xbin/sugote’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/xbin/sugote-mksh’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/app/Superuser/Superuser.apk’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/app/SuperuserPro/SuperuserPro.apk’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/etc/.installed_su_daemon’: No such file or directory

    ln: failed to access ‘/system/etc/install-recovery.sh’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/system/etc/install-recovery.sh’: No such file or directory

    error: device not found

    dpkg: error while cleaning up:

     subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 255

    Errors were encountered while processing:



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