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debian 설치 명령 aptitude 대화식 apt-get 대용 사용방법

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    apt-get install aptitude

    Debian_10]root~[21:17:06 aptitude -n
    aptitude: invalid option -- 'n'
    aptitude 0.8.11
    Usage: aptitude [-S fname] [-u|-i]
           aptitude [options] <action> ...

    Actions (if none is specified, aptitude will enter interactive mode):

     install         Install/upgrade packages.
     remove          Remove packages.
     purge           Remove packages and their configuration files.
     hold            Place packages on hold.
     unhold          Cancel a hold command for a package.
     markauto        Mark packages as having been automatically installed.
     unmarkauto      Mark packages as having been manually installed.
     forbid-version  Forbid aptitude from upgrading to a specific package version.
     update          Download lists of new/upgradable packages.
     safe-upgrade    Perform a safe upgrade.
     full-upgrade    Perform an upgrade, possibly installing and removing packages.
     build-dep       Install the build-dependencies of packages.
     forget-new      Forget what packages are "new".
     search          Search for a package by name and/or expression.
     show            Display detailed info about a package.
     showsrc         Display detailed info about a source package (apt wrapper).
     versions        Displays the versions of specified packages.
     clean           Erase downloaded package files.
     autoclean       Erase old downloaded package files.
     changelog       View a package's changelog.
     download        Download the .deb file for a package (apt wrapper).
     source          Download source package (apt wrapper).
     reinstall       Reinstall a currently installed package.
     why             Explain why a particular package should be installed.
     why-not         Explain why a particular package cannot be installed.

     add-user-tag    Add user tag to packages/patterns.
     remove-user-tag Remove user tag from packages/patterns.

     -h              This help text.
     --no-gui        Do not use the GTK GUI even if available.
     -s              Simulate actions, but do not actually perform them.
     -d              Only download packages, do not install or remove anything.
     -P              Always prompt for confirmation of actions.
     -y              Assume that the answer to simple yes/no questions is 'yes'.
     -F format       Specify a format for displaying search results; see the manual.
     -O order        Specify how search results should be sorted; see the manual.
     -w width        Specify the display width for formatting search results.
     -f              Aggressively try to fix broken packages.
     -V              Show which versions of packages are to be installed.
     -D              Show the dependencies of automatically changed packages.
     -Z              Show the change in installed size of each package.
     -v              Display extra information. (may be supplied multiple times).
     -t [release]    Set the release from which packages should be installed.
     -q              In command-line mode, suppress the incremental progress
     -o key=val      Directly set the configuration option named 'key'.
     --with(out)-recommends     Specify whether or not to treat recommends as
                                strong dependencies.
     -S fname        Read the aptitude extended status info from fname.
     -u              Download new package lists on startup.
                      (terminal interface only)
     -i              Perform an install run on startup.
                      (terminal interface only)

    See the manual page for a complete list and description of all the options.

    This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.

    Translation(s)English - Español - Français - Italiano - 한국어(Korean) - Русский - 简体中文


    Aptitude 는 Ncurses 인터페이스를 제공하는 Apt 프런트 엔드 Debian 패키지 관리자이다. 텍스트 기반이기 때문에 터미널에서 또는 CLI (명령행 인터페이스)로 실행할 수 있다. Aptitude 는 다음을 포함하여 다양하고 유용한 특징들을 갖고 있다:

    • mutt 와 유사한 문법으로 패키지명을 유연하게 조회할 수 있다.
    • "automatically installed(의존성 때문에 자동 선택됨)" 또는 "manually installed(유저가 직접 선택함)" 로 패키지 조건을 지정해서 auto-removed when no longer required (더 이상 필요하지 않을 때 자동으로 삭제처리)가 이루어지도록 할 수 있다.

    • 패키지에 적용될 처리액션을 색상으로 표현해서 쉽게 확인가능.
    • dselect 처럼 패키지에 대해 대화식으로 연속적인 액션처리를 지원한다. (예: 의존성 문제 발생 시 삭제/설치/보류에 관한 기준 제시 및 적용한 액션이 실행단계로 넘어가기 전에 취소.. 등)
    • 패키지에 포함된 Debian changelog 조회 및 출력 지원
    • AptCLI (= apt-get + apt-cache) 와 호환되는 명령행 모드를 지원 ("aptitude install foo")

    • 점수제도 기인하여 (일반적으로) apt-get 보다 더욱 효율적으로 의존성 해결책을 제시함. aptitude 는 비대하지 않으며 스스로 패키지 보관소를 청소하고 익히기 쉽다. 하지만 이것 또한 자잘하고 그 밖에 더 많을 기능을 처리할 수 있는 만능 유틸리티는 아니다.

    패키지명은 aptitude 이다.

    aptitude 매뉴얼은 금광과 같다. 더 이상 내용을 추가하지 않아도 될 정도로 참신하게 작성되어 있으니 자세한 도움을 받고자 한다면 직접 참고하기 바란다.

    (텍스트 그래픽) 대화식 사용방법

    대화식으로 To run interactively, enter the following from a terminal:


    After running it, use:

    • F10 to access the menu and use aptitude. This is the main key.
    • ? for help
    • The 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right' keys to navigate.
    • The 'Enter' key to select
    • The '+' or '-' key to install/update or remove a package
    • The 'g' key to preview/confirm actions
    • 'q' to quit – this also closes the currently open window (‘g’ goes forward, ‘q’ goes back)

    The common use of aptitude in TUI (text user interface) is; run aptitude; press 'u' (update the lists of available packages); press 'U' (Mark all upgradable packages to be upgraded); (search/select some stuff to install, is optional); press 'g' (to see the pending actions and modify if needed); press 'g' (again, to start the download).

    Some time when you need to resolve conflicts, you discover that you made a mistake; you can easily use 'Cancel pending actions' in the 'Actions' menu so that you can re-select.

    When reviewing pending actions:

    • 'a' explicitly accepts an action (use again to unaccept)
    • 'r' rejects an action
    • 'g' again goes ahead with pending actions

    See Accessing package information for understanding the letters in the package synopsis line (e.g., 'i' means "will be installed", 'p' means "not installed", etc.)

    root 사용자 매뉴얼

    You can also use aptitude like in the same manner as apt-get:

    Update the packages list :

    # aptitude update

    Upgrade the packages :

    # aptitude safe-upgrade

    Install foo :

    # aptitude install foo

    Remove bar :

    # aptitude remove bar

    Purge foo :

    # aptitude purge foo

    모든 사용자를 위한 기능

    Search for packaging containing foo :

    $ aptitude search foo

    Personally, I still use apt-cache search foo to perform a search – aptitude search foo is slower. But you should try the aptitude search foo way. You should discover that the output is a bit different from apt-cache, in some case, it may be useful to search for a package to see if it is already installed.

    showing if a specific package is installed :

    $ aptitude show foo

    배포판을 업그레이드하는 방법

    아키텍쳐에 맞게 정식 버전 릴리즈에서 다음 버전 (예. Lenny 에서 Squeeze) 으로 업그레이드하려면 release notes 을 참고하라. 32 비트 시스템 유저이면 Release Notes for Intel x86 를 참고하고 64 비트 시스템 유저이면 Release Notes for AMD64을 참고하면 된다.

    full-upgrade Using full-upgrade in the regular course of events no longer the recommended practice (unless you are running sid, in which case you should not need to be reading this.)

    Minor release upgrades (e.g. from lenny 5.0.1 to 5.0.2) and security updates are done with safe-upgrade.

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