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● tinycore build option ./rploader.sh build <platform> static 과 manual ,compile 빌드옵션 차이점

♨ 카랜더 일정 : 2022년05월03일
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    tinycore build option ./rploader.sh build <platform> static 과 manual ,compile  빌드옵션 차이점

    빌드 스위치에 대한 자동 옵션이 없습니다. 유효한 옵션은 다음과 같습니다.   

    compile -> redpill-lkm 컴파일 프로세스를 통해 실행(철저하게 테스트되지 않았지만 실패할 가능성이 있음)

    static -> redpill 확장의 정적 redpill 모듈을 사용하고 listmodules 함수도 호출합니다.

    manual -> redpill 확장의 정적 redpill 모듈을 사용하고 listmodules 기능을 실행하지 않고 수동으로 추가한 확장을 진행합니다.

    DTS 패치가 필요한 플랫폼의 경우 DTS 패치를 수동 manual 으로 수행해야 합니다.

    default -> static   listmodules 함수는 PCI 장치를 나열하고, PCI-ID용 커널 모듈에 대해 modules.alias.4.json.gz를 쿼리하고,

    rpext-index.json에서 확장자를 일치 및 추가하려고 시도합니다.

    마지막에는 DTS 패치가 필요한 플랫폼의 경우 model.dt도 패치하려고 합니다.

    따라서 STATIC은 내가 추가한 ext 드라이버를 추가하고 pci-id를 기반으로 ext 드라이버를 검색하지만

    static을 사용하는 것은 builld 명령에 아무것도 추가하지 않는 것과 같습니다. 예: .


    ./rploader.sh build <platform>

    is the same as

    ./rploader.sh build <platform> static

    same end result


    tc@box:~$ cat ds3615_simple_basic_build_dsm71.sh
    # Made by https://11q.kr
    # 2022.04.27
    # DS3615xs build
    echo Enter ===========  DS3615xs build --- bromolow-7.1.0-42661 ====
    cat user_config_ds3615xs_vmdk.json
    echo Enter =========== cp user_config_ds3615xs_vmdk.json user_config.json
    read answer
    cp user_config_ds3615xs_vmdk.json user_config.json
    cat user_config.json
    echo Enter ===========  build1 =======================
    read answer
    ./rploader.sh clean all
    ./rploader.sh update now
    ./rploader.sh fullupgrade now
    ./rploader.sh serialgen DS3615xs
    ./rploader.sh identifyusb now
    ./rploader.sh satamap now
    #(ll run if custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles is missing)
    mkdir /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles; sudo ln -s /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module;
    ./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.1.0-42661
    rm -rf /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz;./rploader.sh clean now; rm -rf /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles; rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module;  ./rploader.sh backup now;
    echo Enter ===========  build2 =======================
    read answer
    #./rploader.sh update now
    #./rploader.sh fullupgrade now
    #./rploader.sh serialgen DS3615xs
    #./rploader.sh identifyusb now
    #./rploader.sh satamap now
    ls /home/tc/custom-module/
    echo Enter =========== Normal build2 =======================
    read answer
    # intel driver install
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/vmxnet3/rpext-index.json
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8101/rpext-index.json
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8125/rpext-index.json
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/e1000/rpext-index.json
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/e1000e/rpext-index.json
    # real tek  driver install
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8168/rpext-index.json
    ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8169/rpext-index.json
    # ./rploader.sh ext bromolow-7.1.0-42661 auto
    echo Enter ============= ./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.1.0-42661 auto
    read answer
    ./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.1.0-42661 
    echo Enter ============= cat user_config.json
    read answer
    cat user_config.json
    ls  /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles/
    echo Enter ============= ./rploader.sh backup now sudo filetool.sh -b
    read answer
    ./rploader.sh backup now
    sudo filetool.sh -b
    scp /mnt/sda3/mydata.tgz shimss@
    scp /mnt/sda3/auxfiles/*.pat shimss@
    ls -lrt
    ./rploader.sh clean all
    # =======================

     https://11q.kr 에 등록된 자료 입니다. ♠ 정보찾아 공유 드리며 출처는 링크 참조 바랍니다♠1.png

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    11qkr님의 댓글

    11qkr 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 아이피 (192.♡.0.1) 작성일

    tc@box:~$ cat grub_cfg_mount.sh
    sudo mount /mnt/sda1
    cd /mnt/sda1
    cd boot
    cd grub/
    cat grub.cfg



    11qkr님의 댓글

    11qkr 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 아이피 (192.♡.0.1) 작성일

    tc@box:~$ ./grub_cfg_mount.sh
    EFI  GRUB_VER  boot  custom.gz  grub_cksum.syno  lost+found  rd.gz  zImage
    fonts  grub.cfg  grubenv  i386-pc  locale  x86_64-efi
    # ### !!! WARNING - READ ME !!! ###
    # DO NOT edit this file. This file has been generated automatically by the loader generator.
    # If you were asked to use a pre-made image and asked by someone to edit this file DO NOT do it. The only
    # supported method of obtaining the loader image is generating it using the loader generator provided.

    terminal_output console
    if serial --unit=0 --speed=115200; then
        terminal_input --append serial_com0
        terminal_output --append serial_com0

    set default="1"
    set timeout="5"
    set timeout_style="menu"

    if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
        load_env --file $prefix/grubenv --skip-sig
        set has_env="1"
        if [ -n "${saved_entry}" ]; then
            set default="${saved_entry}"
        set has_env="0"
        echo "WARN: failed to load env. Default choice will NOT be saved!"

    function savedefault {
        save_env --file $prefix/grubenv saved_entry

    insmod usb_keyboard
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod ext2
    insmod fat
    insmod linux
    insmod gzio

    set gfxmode=auto
    insmod vbe
    insmod vga

    # UEFI
    insmod efi_gop
    insmod efi_uga

    insmod font
    if loadfont ${prefix}/unicode.pf2
        insmod gfxterm
        set gfxmode=auto
        set gfxpayload=keep
        terminal_output gfxterm

    menuentry 'RedPill DS3622xs v7.1.0-42661 Beta (USB, Verbose)' {
            set root=(hd0,msdos1)
            echo Loading Linux...
            linux /zImage withefi earlyprintk syno_hw_version=DS3622xs+ console=ttyS0,115200n8 netif_num=5 pid=0x0001 earlycon=uart8250,io,0x3f8,115200n8 syno_port_thaw=1 mac1=XXYYXXYYXXYY sn=2030SQRBZMB2T vid=0x46f4 elevator=elevator loglevel=15 HddHotplug=0 DiskIdxMap=00 syno_hdd_detect=0 vender_format_version=2 syno_hdd_powerup_seq=0 log_buf_len=32M root=/dev/md0 SataPortMap=9
            echo Loading initramfs...
            initrd /rd.gz /custom.gz
            echo Starting kernel with USB boot

    menuentry 'RedPill DS3622xs v7.1.0-42661 Beta (SATA, Verbose)' {
            set root=(hd0,msdos1)
            echo Loading Linux...
            linux /zImage withefi earlyprintk syno_hw_version=DS3622xs+ console=ttyS0,115200n8 netif_num=5 pid=0x0001 earlycon=uart8250,io,0x3f8,115200n8 synoboot_satadom=1 syno_port_thaw=1 mac1=XXYYXXYYXXYY sn=2030SQRBZMB2T vid=0x46f4 elevator=elevator loglevel=15 HddHotplug=0 DiskIdxMap=00 syno_hdd_detect=0 vender_format_version=2 syno_hdd_powerup_seq=0 log_buf_len=32M root=/dev/md0 SataPortMap=9
            echo Loading initramfs...
            initrd /rd.gz /custom.gz
            echo Starting kernel with SATA boot

    menuentry 'Tiny Core Image Build' {
            set root=(hd0,msdos3)
            echo Loading Linux...
            linux /vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 cde waitusb=5 vga=791
            echo Loading initramfs...
            initrd /corepure64.gz
            echo Booting TinyCore for loader creation
    tc@box:~$ ls


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