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    유튜브 스트림 구글home 루틴 정보

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    링크 원본 입니다

    --정보만 저장 합니다 ---

    Hack to play live YouTube live streams with a routine

    Well, it took me hundreds of trials and errors, but finally cracked how to create a routine to play YouTube live streams on my Google Hubs.

    I tried saying every feed name, word combination, but it needed a little bit of tweaking. It works like a charm.

    Create a routine, name as desired (For example, 24)

    Add action, and paste the URL for the youtube live stream (for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YbTRdhRV6A )

    Erase everything but the last part, and enter the following command: Play 9YbTRdhRV6A on Youtube

    Save and enjoy!

    You can even set a time and day to get these streams going automatically...

     https://11q.kr 에 등록된 자료 입니다. ♠ 정보찾아 공유 드리며 출처는 링크 참조 바랍니다♠1.png

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    ▶ 2025-01-15 19:38:15

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